Curriculum Overview

The curriculum at Oakwood School has four broad aims. These aims are for pupils to leave us at the end of KS4 having been developed academically, socially, culturally and are prepared for life beyond Oakwood in whatever form that takes.  We want to encourage all students to become active members of our school and in society.

We are committed to providing a curriculum that is broad, balanced, challenging and fosters a love of learning. We value all aspects of the curriculum including creative, practical and vocational alongside the traditional academic subjects. We promote aspiration amongst our students for Post-16 opportunities through careers work and access to further education. Through our embedded school values the 8Cs we are committed to challenge our students to strive for excellence together. Our extra-curriculum ensures that all learners of all abilities have opportunities to showcase and develop as widely as possible.

Pupils in Key Stage Three enjoy a rich variety of lessons taught by specialists in line with the expectation of the National Curriculum. In addition to the core subjects of English, Maths, Science, RE and PE our students have weekly lessons of History, Geography, Art, Music, Drama, Resistant and Non-Resistant materials. Students are offered the opportunity to learn one language throughout KS3 - French, German or Spanish. Oakwood students select their options for GCSE in Year 9 where additional subjects offered include Film studies and Photography. Our Forest School is developing and is now on offer to selected students in all year groups.  Our three year Key Stage 3 across foundation subjects allows for sequencing and evolves to meet the needs of our students whilst embedding key skills in all subject areas.  


Page Downloads Date  
Options booklet 27th Jun 2024 Download
Curriculum Statement and allocation 17th Jul 2024 Download
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