
Oakwood School’s expectation is for students to attend school 100% of the time and research has shown that regular attendance is essential for students to get the most out of their school experience; this includes for their attainment, wellbeing and wider life chances.  We are extremely proud of our student community, who take their attendance and punctuality seriously and it is always rewarding to see those students who end the year with excellent attendance year on year and those of our Year 11’s who have maintained 100% attendance throughout their five years at Oakwood School.

We will work collaboratively with our families in identifying barriers to school non-attendance and put in place strategies to support, whether this be through the school or signposting to external agencies. As a parent/carer, it is key that you communicate with us regarding your child’s attendance and that any concerns are addressed at the earliest opportunity and this could be through your child’s Form Tutor, Year Group Leader, Pastoral Team, SEND department or Student Services.  At Oakwood School, we do have robust strategies in place to monitor the attendance and punctuality of all our students, all of which can be found in our Attendance policy below, this is also shared with our student community.  We do use Fixed Penalty Notices to address unauthorised Leave of Absence in term time which is not considered exceptional circumstances and for addressing poor attendance and punctuality concerns. 

We do like to celebrate success with our students’ attendance by way of attendance and punctuality weekly awards, achievement points for the tutor groups with the highest weekly attendance and all students who have one week of 100% attendance are entered into a half termly prize draw for achievement points and a prize so they could have multiple entries – there are 10 prizes to be won each half term.  Additionally, students will be receiving via their tutors a weekly attendance bulletin so they can see their tutor group attendance across their year which will be celebrated in assemblies with their Year Group Leader. 


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