KS3/KS4 Information

Academic Class/Set Movement

At Oakwood School we always strive to ensure that the classes in which students are taught are the most appropriate to allow good academic progress to take place.

Some subjects teach students in mixed ability classes whilst other curriculum areas deliver their subject in bands or sets, according to ability.

Year 7

  • Upon arrival at Oakwood School Year 7 students are placed in bands for their core subjects of English, Science and Mathematics.
  • At the end of the first half term in October students are reorganised and placed in ability sets for Mathematics. Parents are informed in writing of these movements prior to the set change which takes effect from the start of the second half of the Autumn Term.
  • All other subjects follow the School Policy of one class/band movement at the end of each academic term. 

Years 8 - 11

During the course of each term regular marking, assessment and feedback inform the teachers of the progress which students are making in their classes. Towards the end of each academic term the Heads of Subjects review the progress of students and make decisions, if appropriate, to move the classes of certain students. The School Policy is that students will only have class movements once a term and that all parents will be informed in writing of such changes prior to the class/set change.

Option subjects in Key Stage 4 (Years 10 and 11) are taught in mixed ability groups and students, therefore, would be unlikely to have any class/set changes.

Autumn Term

December – Parents informed of class/set changes for the start of the new term in January.

Spring Term

March - Parents informed of class/set changes for the start of the new term in April.

Summer Term

July - Parents informed of class/set changes for the start of the new timetable in September.

Exceptionally there may be occasions when an individual student may have their class/set changed for personal or pastoral reasons before the end of the academic term.

Student Populations

Key Stage 3 Student Population

In order to determine whether your child is in the W or Y population, as shown on the Homework Timetable. The class code written at the bottom of each period shows the Year Group, Population and Class eg 9YC3 = Year 9, Y Population and Class C3.

Key Stage 4 Student Population

In order to determine whether your child is in the W or Y population, as shown on the Homework Timetable. The class code written at the bottom of each period on Monday shows the Year Group, Population and Class eg 10YE3 = Year 10, Y Population and Class E3. The class codes on Tuesdays and Thursdays show the option group and class group, the population remain the same. 


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